Still fat but feeling rather positive

I have a new gym buddy which is working wonders, well until she went away this week and I sat at home drinking ridiculous amounts of wine instead…. BUT I have still been going more than I used to and I’m feeling good. Trousers aren’t so tight and my skins looking rather radiant if I do say so myself.

Still going strong with the smoothies, although have managed to lose one of my shaker bottle things which is annoying. LOVING all my veggie burgers and stuff, need to eat more protein but struggling with that for some reason. I did buy some protein powder that wasn’t flavoured with chocolate or strawberry or the likes, instead it tasted like the smell of nail varnish remover/bad breath. Not the freshest flavour I’ve ever tasted. That promptly got shoved to the back of the cupboard along with all the other diet fads I have tried and given up on.

Next on my list of things to do is start dating again, I’ve been quite happy not sharing my life with any one (I’m quite selfish and I like my own things….obviously wasn’t taught to share as a child.) Any suggestions on that would be welcome, preferably someone who has a dog, is really tall and doesn’t like to spend too much time with their girlfriend. And preferably someone who doesn’t like exercise like me, i make myself feel guilty enough, I don’t need to see someone trotting off to the gym every day while I watch Eastenders (so good at atm btw <- that was pretty cool txt lingo! Yes I’m getting old.)

So to sum up, I’m still fat, single and skint but happy.

P.S. Do you love my new unicorn fur coat that I needed to buy on an almost maxed out credit card when it’s almost summer?? I do…. and the shoes that matched.

unicorn fur


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